Graphic of students leaving school, and a child in the backseat of car with a woman driving and the words:  Parent Pick Up

AM Drop Off Procedures

PM Pick Up Procedures

  • Parents can drop off students as early as 7:00 am in the student drop off area.

  • Please form a single file line in the drop off area. Pull to the furthest spot before allowing your child to exit the vehicle from the passenger side only.

  • No passing other vehicles in line. Once your child is out of the vehicle, you must wait for the entire line to move. Parents are to remain in their cars as a staff member will assist your child if necessary.

  • Absolutely no cars are to be left unattended along the parent drop-off curb.

  • When exiting the drop off line you may only turn left on to Green Dragon Drive.

Always pull as far forward as possible to make room for other vehicles. This will ensure that we can keep traffic moving, creating less congestion.

Parent pick up diagram

  • For safety and convenience it is imperative that parents pick-up and drop-off students at the designated area. Parent drop-off and pick-up will be at the South parking lot ONLY. Traffic should stay in line as you enter the campus via Pasco-Del-Prado Street. No passing is allowed. You must display the Parent Pick-up ID Tag  in your rear view mirror before a child will be released to you.

  • Buses ONLY will pick-up and drop-off at the North end parking lot. This parking lot is for faculty parking ONLY and even though it might be closer to your child's class, we are asking that you please use the designated area. At NO time should parents pick-up or drop-off their student(s) at the bus drop off area.

  •  Students with special needs (bus and car riders) will be dropped off and picked in the same location as all other students.

  • In order to ensure students' safety during dismissal procedures students will not be permitted to check out after 1:30 p.m. Student car riders will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m at the south parking area through the parent pick up line.

  • Please be sure you send a note to your child's teacher if there are any changes in his/her afternoon pick up/bus schedule.  If an emergency change needs to be made those changes MUST be made BY 1:00 pm!


Walkers will exit from the front gate of the school, and enter from the front gate of the school. If a student is riding their bike they may park it inside the gate by the media center.


  • Please be respectful of waiting traffic by alternating northbound/southbound traffic when entering the school if there are lines present.

  • If you have a friend or family member picking up your child, please make sure they have a tag to pick them up. They will have to go to the office to show ID and wait if they do not have a tag.

  • Please notify us immediately if your tag has been lost or stolen. For the safety of your student, you will be required to purchase a new number and car tag set. Additional tags can be purchased for $5 in the front office.